Transformational Life Coaching
At Q Wellness & Family Chiropractic we believe in a holistic approach to health. Much of what affects you on a physical level stems from underlying emotional causes. Stress and negative emotions can tax the nervous system and create misalignments and imbalances in the body. That is why we offer transformational life coaching through Lisa Ulshafer. Lisa is one of the top life coaches in Las Vegas with over 17 years of experience working with people to create healthy relationships with their emotions so they can create healthy lives they love.
Igniting spirit-driven lives by turning emotional struggle into personal strength!

Lisa Ulshafer
Transformational Life Coach, Author, & Speaker
Lisa is one of the top life coaches in Las Vegas with over 17 years of experience working with people to create healthy relationships with their emotions so they can create healthy lives they love.
Where do you want to be?
Steven Covey was one of the most influential leaders of our time and author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The 2nd habit is, “Begin with the end in mind.” Imagine being at the end of your life, where do you want to be? What do you want to see as you reflect back on your life?
What if...
… you feel you’ve done it, you accomplished what you came here to do?
… you’re resolved with every relationship in your life, forgiveness had replaced bitterness, and you had loved and been loved deeply?
… you look back with the satisfaction that your life had been a full and rich experience?
What if… today you start living your life on purpose; by design, not default?
Are you done battling with the challenges of…
…self-judgment and self-inflicted punishment that continually feeds the program of not being enough?
…holding back from expressing who you are or what you really want to say for fear of being judged or hurting someone’s feelings?
…losing sight of your dreams because you’re running around taking care of everyone else’s needs out of guilt and obligation?
…repeating self-sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck from achieving all that you want in your life?
Are you ready to ignite your life?
Are you ready to transform your life from having no clarity, growth, or inner peace, to one of harmony, connection, and fulfillment. To achieve this it takes a strong mindset, emotional well-being, and progressive action, so you can gain greater self-awareness, heal emotional wounds, and break through your self-sabotaging patterns.
Are you ready… to set free who you’re destined to be?
Call 702-254-7730 to schedule a consultation or click here to learn more about Lisa Ulshafer.