Rachel Wilson
Rachel is a Malaysian born, Chinese who grew up in a beautiful small town named Batu Pahat. Batu Pahat is in the very southern part of the country with lots of green and sun. With her love of communication, Rachel converses in many languages from Mandarin, English, Malay, Cantonese and some native dialects too.
In 2011, Rachel made a decision to marry to her husband and moved to America with the full support from her family members. She is happily married to a fun-loving husband, Markus and has two beautiful children Thomas and Hannah. Rachel had gone through lots of challenges in life and she had never once wished to turn back the time to make it different. She believes that the past molded her into what she is today. She treasures simplicity and happiness that is strongly-bonded with love for the people around her.

“I am not an ambitious person. I just wished for a simple, stable and healthy life with my family.”
Over the weekend, Rachel loves to spend time with her family watching movies, shopping, playing badminton in the backyard. She also loves to do absolutely nothing! Rachel spends her alone time reading non-fiction books and watching historical dramas. Some of her favorite books are Blowback and Footsteps in the Snow.
One of her great passions is horse back riding. Rachel rode professional for more 8 years before she came to America. One of her wishes is to move to the countryside, breed her own horses, and teach her children horse riding.
Her late father was a great influence in her life. He told her a story about his life during WWII where he shouldered the responsibility of taking care of his family. He had over 20 family members to take care of and still helped others during war time when he was barely 10 years old. “‘It is what you are capable to give that makes you strong in any drastic situation,’ my pa said”.
With that engraved into Rachel’s heart, she lives her life to share and care.
"A life of sharing and caring, a love of endless giving – With this, I share my heart to our community"